This is a nonpoisonous neutral sterilization liquid, called colloidal silver, that removes all dangerous aspects and poisonous materials caused by using and spraying agricultural chemicals in the past. This is water with neutral sterilization capacity that realizes no agricultural chemical system by controlling damages from diseases and insects on crops


Colloidal silver that was converted into colloid when it is being Ag+ with a form of melting Ag+ with minerals is known to have excellent sterilization capacity


♣ Sterilization effect preventing damages from disease and insect on crops
♣ Sterilization effect on all germs at human body
♣ Sterilization effect on bacillus diseases of animal and plant
♣ Efficient when you store food (storing after sterilization)
♣ Sterilization at kitchen, swimming pool, bathroom, clothes chest and others
♣ Sterilization for almost all skin damages


♣ Harmlessness to human body as it is pH 7 neutral sterilization water
♣ Substitute sterilization agent and agricultural chemical :
    Produce no agricultural chemical and low agricultural chemical crops
♣ Improve quality and increase harvest of harvesting crops
♣ Environment friendly farming
♣ Decrease agricultural chemical using amount with leaf spraying method
♣ Wide sterilization range
♣ Immediate sterilization effect
♣ Device purchasing expense is low and using method is simple
♣ Prevent soil oxidation with neutral sterilization water

  주   소 : 서울시 강남구 역삼동 647-9 한국지식재산센터 17층 (우) 135-980 Tel:02-5656-797 / Fax:02-5656-313
연구소 : 충북 음성군 삼성면 대정리 151번지 (우)369-830 Tel:043-878-0833 / Fax:043-878-0832

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